Ivan Uribe is also located in our office by appointment. Massage Therapy can offer amazing results in conjunction with chiropractic care. He also is skilled in Trigger Point Therapy.
This is a product that Dr. Carla highly recommends for heavy metal and other toxins detoxification. Simple and safe to use for all ages. Ordering of products must be done through a distributor - Dr. Carla or you can be invited to group on Facebook called "TRS- a safe heavy metal detox". This Facebook group has many testimonials regarding gains made by users of this product. Ask Dr. Carla about this product if you have questions. | https://www.coseva.com/toxin-removal/advanced-trs/ There is another product very similar to this that we sell in-office. Ask Cheryl about it.
This is the chiropractor Dr. Warner recommends on the NorthEast side of town and now also in the Avondale area. She's been friends with Dr. Joe for 30 years! | http://shea-blvd-chiropractor.com/
Health Talk given by Dr. Warner - We ask all new patients to watch this before we review xrays - you can watch it here to get a headstart and to share with friends: https://youtu.be/gGVpYuj6sz4