Fee Information

Initial Visit Fee:

  • $99.00(time of service discount) for all adult patients

  • including x-rays (if necessary) and exam and “first aide” adjustment

Subsequent Visit Fee:

  • $43.00 (time of service discount) or $3 discount for paying with Cash

  • Health Talk required before Second Visit (Please watch in advance here: https://youtu.be/gGVpYuj6sz4 )

Update Exams:

  • $40.00 (time of service discount) + $40.00 for x-rays if required

  • required if there has been a lapse in treatment over 6 months

Special Rates for Families and Children available - call for more info

*We are not in-network with any health insurance companies. Although this seems inconvenient, we have found that our cash fees are below or very close to most insurance co-pays and we are able to keep our fees affordable by not having to deal with insurance companies that do more to determine when you can’t be seen rather than help you get the care you really need. 

Medicare and Auto Accident insurances are the exception to our no-insurance rule.
We will gladly bill these for you and work with you to help get your care paid for. 

We accept Cash and Checks($3 cash discount per visit) or Credit (Visa/Mastercard), Debit, Health Savings Account cards, and chickens (just kidding).